Boomer's Stein Collection
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What is a beer stein?

"Stein" means "stone" in German. Most early steins were made of stoneware. Today, collectors consider steins to be beer-drinking vessels with handles and hinged lids. Without the lid, the vessel is called a mug. Without the handle, it is considered a beaker. The hinged lid found its place in history during the 15th and 16th centuries. When the bubonic plague was thought to be caused by flies and other insects, it became common practice to put lids on drinking vessels. Once the lid was attached, there was no turning back...the beer stein would always have a hinged lid. Beer steins come in all sizes and shapes and are made from a variety of materials, such as glass, pottery (earthenware), pewter, porcelain, stoneware, faience, etc. There are even rare examples carved from wood, made from leather, ivory, ostrich eggs and horns. The royalty occasionally had steins of pure gold or silver.

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Cat in needlepoint; Actual size=180 pixels wide

A mother was reading a book about animals to her 3 year old daughter:

Mother: "What does the cow say?"
Child: "Moo!"

Mother: "Great! What does the cat say?"
Child: "Meow."

Mother: "Oh, you're so smart! What does the frog say?"
And this wide-eyed little 3 yr. old looked up at her mother and in her deepest voice replied, "Bud"